Understanding The Adoption Process

Adoption is the legal process through which a child becomes a member of a family with which they have no biological relations. You can adopt a child through a foster care system, a local adaption agency, or a private adoption lawyer. Foster care systems often have school-aged children and teenagers. If you intend to adopt an infant, consider adoption agencies or private attorneys. International adoption is another option, though it is less popular and challenging. When considering adopting a child with a different background from yours, ensure you understand their culture, to form a successful transcultural or transracial family. Currently, most adoption families have arrangements that allow contact with the child's biological parents. 

Why is a child given up for adoption?

Most biological parents struggle with the thought of developing an adoption plan for their children. They often wonder if their reasons for placing their baby for adoption are valid and whether they will be understood or judged for their decision. Here are some common reasons why children end up in an adoptive family.

Early parenthood

Young mothers, especially teen students, are often not psychologically ready to raise a child. Finishing school and actualizing their dreams and goals is often their primary priority. One may resort to placing their child for adoption to concentrate on themselves and work to attain their goals.


Struggling with addiction is a challenging situation. Having to raise a baby while battling addiction is strenuous and often challenging. When a mother realizes she has an addiction problem and can no longer care for her child, an adoption plan is usually the rational choice.  

Poor health 

Parents have to be in good health, physically and mentally, to care for and raise their children effectively. A lady struggling with a disability, mental illness, or a fatal terminal disease may not be able to care for the child adequately and decide to put the child up for adoption.

Abusive relationships 

Being in an unhealthy and abusive relationship may be dangerous for the child. Mothers in this situation may place their children for adoption to ensure their safety. Working to free themselves from toxic relationships is more manageable when their children are safe. 

Why should you consider adoption?

This process provides safe homes for the children. All adoptive parents undergo vetting to ensure they can provide a healthy environment for the child. In some cases, biological parents ensure responsible families adopt their children. Adoption gives people a chance to be parents despite being unable to have children. Children develop a sense of belonging when loving families take them in; this gives them emotional stability and impacts their mental health positively. The adopted child's mother also gets the opportunity to work on themselves and better their life. 


The adoption process is often emotional for the biological parents and the adoptive families. It is crucial to understand there's no wrong reason to give up a baby for adoption. Contact an adoption agency to learn more about the process and explore the available options when looking to adopt or place a child for adoption.
